OMG! Frosting is exploding out of every orifice in this thread on Etsy! It's quite disgusting really. The puke buckets have been lined up folks!
Now, this thread was started by a cupcake by the name of everydaymoments who actually apologized for starting the love-fest when some anti-cupcakes came in pointing out the error of her ways. But somehow I don't believe it and since she is no newbie to Etsy I know she is bullshitting! She's a freakin' cupcake hero wannabe. So now the frosting and sprinkles just keep raining down in there.
Thank hell there are those with steel stomachs and commonsense around ready to curtail the disgusting display and throw some reality at the cupcakes. Problem is cupcakes don't have ears so they don't listen. It's quite sad!
Things like singing kumbaya were discussed and many cupcakes expressed how blessed they were for having Etsy. Blessed? I didn't know God blessed us with Etsy? I thought it was Satan's curse, but I could be wrong...
Anyhow, of course those who don't blow sprinkles up Etsy's ass are deemed complainers, whiners, negative, and a whole lot more... Thing is the cupcakes expect some sort of respect but lack the ability to give any to others. They are actually rude, stuck-up, Etsy-thumping, oblivious idiots! Thats right! If they can't take any opposing views as being valid then they can kiss my fuckin' ass! Bunch of brown-nosing know-nothings.
Do they think that these threads will whisk them into some sort of Etsy heaven where they will all be on the FP and get tons of sales. I can smell how fake they all are, and they STINK!
So to all the Etsy ass loving cupcakes in that thread, I give you 3 mouldy cupcakes and a rainbow shitting unicorn! Enjoy!
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