Monday, November 1, 2010

Etsy is Holding Your Shops Hostage!

Etsy is removing all User ID #s so people can not import their shops to Artfire!!!

Etsy has removed our user ID numbers from our profiles, and the only way to find them now is through Google's cache. There is a thread on how to do it here:

In order to use an IMPORTER like Artfire's you HAVE to have your user ID!! Find it, and keep it safe!! You may need it some day as a passport outta Etsy!!!!!!!!! Without it, it will be MUCH harder to move, or to even have another shop somewhere else! You will have to re-do every single listing!! If you import it only takes 2 minutes! 
If people cannot import their items to other shops many can incur serious damages to their business and livelihood. Right now, if you can locate your ID through Google, You will be able to open another shop or even walk away from Etsy with little effect to business.

If anyone has more than 10 items they know that manually re-doing every single listing on another site will take weeks or months. That is the position they are trying to put ALL their sellers in so that they HAVE to stay on Etsy for fear of having to re-do everything from scratch on any other venue... They are trying to hold you hostage by withholding YOUR SHOP #ID!
Please don't let that happen!!



  1. Zibbet has the same sort of importer. do it do it do it!!!!

  2. you can still get your user id from the etsy mini generator.
    It will be in the box of code generated by the etsy mini maker.
